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Gulnara Bazkhkenova Book Presentation
On June 20, 2018 the Nazarbayev University Library held an author talk with Gulnara Bazkhkenova, a Kazakhstani journalist and columnist for Esquire Kazakhstan on her book Just Do Not Say It's Too.

Gulnara Bazhkenova spoke about how she collected materials for the book. Visited remote regions of Kazakhstan, schools, kindergartens, special boarding schools in small towns and villages: “I have been long interested in the problems of education, I write about it, and I know how thorny is the path to knowledge in our country, even if you are absolutely healthy
and live in the most favorable and wealthy cities - Almaty and Astana. However, if you were born in a small village and have special needs, the path to knowledge is already becoming a real feat, which the heroes of my book - teachers and civic activists, children and their parents.”

The author, students, employees of Nazarbayev University and the Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan, as well as representatives of the expert community Rahim Oshakbayev, Galym Baituk, and Dinara Satzhan took a part in the discussion.

In order to increase the level of public awareness for issues of inclusive education, the Nazarbayev University Library regularly holds events, such as the "Human Library" and presentations from activists working to solve the challenges of inclusive education in Kazakhstan.

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