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Library is Switching to a New Library Platform

NU Library will switch to Alma and Primo, a new library platform replacing the existing library catalogue on June 7th, 2023.

Primo, the discovery interface for Alma, is a modern solution that uses cloud-based technology and offers a responsive web and mobile design. With Primo, users can conveniently explore the library, whether on or off campus, using their desktop or mobile device and with internet access. This platform greatly improves the user experience.

Some important notes regarding this transition:

- Beginning June 1st, 2023, book requests and renewals via the old system will be discontinued due to a library system migration (the new system will have this feature available).

- You can still return and borrow books, please ask at circulation desk on 2 and 3 floors.

- Logging into your old library account will not be possible after June 1st, 2023.

- The process of searching and checking out library materials will remain similar during the transition. However, the availability of items listed in the catalogue may not be accurate between June 1st and 7th, 2023 (while some items may appear available, they may currently be out on loan). However, this issue will be resolved after the migration on June 7th, 2023.

- Inter-Library Loan service will be operating as usual.

- Discovery tool EDS (EBSCO Discovery Service) and individual databases will not be impacted.
- Content on EDS will remain available until the end of the year. The Library recommends that NU Library patrons download all bookmarks, notes etc., from EDS in the next few months. If you require assistance in this matter, please contact the Library.
- Migrating to Alma and Primo means that access and links to the old library system and catalogue will stop working on June 7th, 2023.

Primo will allow for the following:

- searching the catalogue for books, eBooks, book chapters, eJournals, videos, and many other document types;
- cross-searching the library collections for a more in-depth resource discovery experience and results;
virtual browsing, which will show book jackets and titles organised as they would appear on the bookshelf;
- Primo will include "My Account", where library patrons will be able to view and manage their loans, requests, favourites, saved searches and settings;
- and many more exciting features.

Please email the Library, Ask NURIA or contact your Subject Librarian if you have any questions.
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