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Two new e-resources available

NU Library is pleased to announce access to two e-resources. 

1. The library has purchased perpetual access to the Stalin Archives. This means patrons now have access to the following: 

  • RGASPI documents from Stalin's personal papers will eventually number over 400,000 pages. Highlights include: foreign policy with Germany before World War II; communications during the Great Purges; relations with Western intellectuals and leaders; and private notations on many Soviet leaders.

  • The Annals of Communism series contains 25 volumes of scholarly commentary, annotation, and interpretation of documents from state and party archives selected by teams of Western and Russian editors. These volumes span the history of Soviet and international communism.

Patrons are encouraged to search the database at its website (www.stalindigitalarchive.com).

2. Until November 18, we have trial access to Bureau Van Dijk business databases. This includes access to the following:

  • ORIANA  
  • EIU CountryData (Worldwide economic indicators and forecasts database) 
  • EIU CountryIndicators (Worldwide business, demographic, market, infrastructure, health and political indicators and forecasts) 

Patrons may access the databases at www.bvdinfo.com. Please use the following username and password:

Username: nazuni

Password: n34789

If you use this database for your research during the trial, please let us know your thoughts.

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