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Awards Competition: Best Practices in Using EBSCO Electronic Resources in Educational, Scientific and Social Activity!

Nazarbayev University Library and EBSCO Publishing Inc. are pleased to announce a call for participation in the Awards Competition “Best Practices in Using EBSCO Electronic Resources in Educational, Ecientific and Social Activity!”

The contest is designed to recognize contributions of NU students, faculty, and staff in demonstration of innovative and creative use of EBSCO resources.

1st degree award – Pocketbook
2nd degree award – Web camera
3rd degree award – External HDD
4th degree award – Bluetooth speakers
5th degree award – Lighting Circle for video recording

Consolation prizes – Wireless earphones.

Important Dates
Publication of the call: March 7, 2023
“Warming up” workshop “EBSCO resources and platforms: tips and tricks”:
March 15, 2023 (Library Conference Hall 5e.228, beginning at 3.p.m.)
Deadline for submitting applications: April 22, 2023
Evaluation period: April 24-28, 2023 
Publication of selection results: May 3, 2023

Awarding ceremony: May, 2023 (date TBC)

Application process 
Record the short video presentation demonstrating how and why you use EBSCO e-resources in teaching, learning and social activities.

Fill out e-Application form and submit it for evaluation within the deadline mentioned above.

Please find more details and full text of the contest regulations on https://nu-kz.libcal.com/event/4017127
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