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Library Updates

Congratulations on the start of the new semester!

Please be informed upon the decision of the NU Leadership the library is closed until further notice. We will reopen as soon as the situation around COVID-19 allows.

A few important updates:

- The Book Delivery Service will remain available for faculty members (Monday-Friday).

- Textbooks issuance for the fall semester will be based on requests from NU Faculty. (The faculty members should send their requests, including information about courses, a list of students and textbooks required, to the subject librarian of their school. Students eligible to get textbooks will be notified by the library staff to negotiate convenient ways of delivery or pickup).

Please also be reminded about the library resources and services:

- Videos with overviews of the library resources and services for novice patrons. 

- A wide variety of scientific and educational databases including e-books and e-journal subscriptions, trials and open access resources, as well as reference and analytical tools. 

- You are welcome to use the InterLibrary Loan (ILL) services to order publications or book chapters that are not available in the library collection).

If you have any questions, please contact your Subject Librarian
Please do not hesitate to email us regarding general issues: library@nu.edu.kz

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