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CQ Press Library: New Subscription

We are please to introduce a new database CQ Press Library.

CQ Press Library - the place to search or browse resources on American government, current affairs, history, politics, public policy, and data analysis for the social sciences. NU subscription covers 

CQ Researcher - a trusted, accessible content and analysis on newsworthy social and political issues. An online subscription lets you search or browse past issues of CQ Researcher plus receive 44 new reports each year, along with updates of previous reports. Learn more on https://youtu.be/-My7q6bxCRs

CQ Voting & Elections Collection to find data and analysis on all aspects of American elections. This dynamic research tool provides in-depth insight into the American voter, major and minor political parties, campaigns and elections, and historical and modern races for Congress, the presidency, and governorships. Learn more on https://youtu.be/abOfvhakHg8

For your convenience the link to this and other sources are available in A-Z list on the library website.

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