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Meeting with Information Partners

Dear all,

You are invited to take part in the sessions with publishers and partners of NU to discuss issues of scholarly publishing, provision and use of information resources for teaching, learning, and research.

The sessions will be held within the annual 11th Eurasian Academic Libraries Conference (EALC) with the theme “Open Access to Knowledge and Libraries: Achievements and Trends” on 27-28 October 2022 here at Nazarbayev university. The EALC-2022 is organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, The Association of University Libraries in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Nazarbayev University Library. 

The sessions will be especially interesting for researchers and faculty who would like to know about:

- Tools for SDG research;

- Freely available open science solution;

- Open access publishing;

- Trends and products of cutting edge digital resources.

The program includes:

- ELSEVIER: Research Through Lens of SDGs. Elsevier Tools

- IEEE: How to Find Open Access Articles in IEEE Xplore

- MA Group AG: 

- McGraw Hill: “Future trends of education: delivering an enhanced learning experience with McGraw-Hill medical and engineering content”

- World Scientific: Open Access for Academics

- Begell House Inc. Publishers: “Read & Publish” with Begell House: Advancing Engineering and Medicine through Open Access

- Primal Pictures: Anatomic Modules and Demonstration of VR Headsets

Date/time: October 27, 2022 | 4.20 PM - 5.20 PM

Venue: NU Library, block 5 (the room will be indicated upon registration)

For more details and to register, please use the link https://nukz.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2tsAFsNIHWwY7iu

In addition, feel free to attend the exhibition of information resources at New Atrium.

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