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GALE research complete & SPORTDiscus

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We are pleased to announce that TRIAL ACCESS to the GALE Research Complete is available for NU community members until JUNE 17, 2022.

Gale offers a variety of resources for education, lifelong learning, and academic research. 

Whether you are looking for peer-reviewed articles; full-text magazines, newspapers, and eBooks; primary source documents; and videos or podcasts, Gale puts the right vetted content and tools at your fingertips! (Source: www.gale.com (http://www.gale.com/))

SPORTDiscus - the leading full-text database for sports and sports medicine research. It includes records from leading sports medicine journals, books, dissertations and more.

Access to the database is available through the #NULibrary A to Z list: https://nu.kz.libguides.com/az.php

If you need assistance, please contact your Subject Librarian: https://nu.kz.libguides.com/c.php?g=593797
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