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Writefull uses the latest Artificial Intelligence techniques to give language feedback on scientific texts. It has been developed especially for students and researchers, and its feedback is tailored to academic writing. Using Writefull enables students and research
staff to have more confidence in their writing and to make fewer errors, increasing their productivity and fostering academic success.

Trial period: Nov 2nd – Dec 1st 2020

Writefull for Word requires plug-in installation, internet access and registration using the e-mail address in the university domain @nu.edu.kz

Writefull Revise and Writefull Cite can be accessed using the links specified in the attached guides below.

Writefull Institutional Trial Welcome Pack
Writefull for Word User Guide

"Create your perfect article using Writefull"

Date: November 13th, 2020

Speakers: Igor Osipov, PhD, VP Digital Science; Juan Castro, PhD, co-founder Writefull; Alberto Villar, PhD, co-founder Writefull; Hilde van Zeeland, PhD, expert in Applied Linguistic in Writefull.
Language: English
Duration: 1 hour


Nazarbayev University provides an access to the Cochrane Library, the biggest in the world evidence-based medicine database.

Cochrane is for anyone interested in using high-quality information to make health decisions. Whether you are a doctor or nurse, patient or career, researcher or funder, Cochrane evidence provides a powerful tool to enhance your healthcare knowledge and decision making:

Online trainings on the Cochrane Library:


Tuesday, November 3, 10am EST (20:00 at Nur-Sultan):

How To Apply Cochrane Clinical Answers in Working Practice


Cochrane Library Training Hub

"Trends in university-pharma partnerships"

In this webinar, our life sciences deal expert to dive deeper into partnering activity between academia and pharma, and provide insights on:

  • Patenting hotspots in the academic drug research landscape
  • Partnering activity in institutions around the globe and what might be driving the differences
  • The timing of deal making between academia and drug companies
  • Best practice approaches for aligning academic research to pharma industry needs for maximum impact
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