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E-resources update

LWW Health Library - comprehensive selection of 39 authoritative books - covering the 6 core clerkship rotations - ideal for clerkship students, faculty, and directors and coordinators

Trial (1 - 31 October)

EaseView - hundreds of periodicals, issues of a number of publications which are available since the 1990s, some publications (“Правда”, “Известия”, “Литературная газета”, “Искусство кино”, “Вопросы истории”, “Вопросы литературы”, “Культура”) have been digitized in full, starting from the very first issue

Trial (2 October - 31 October)

Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition

Index Islamicus
The international classified bibliography of publications in European languages on all aspects of Islam and the Muslim world.

Trial (3 October - 3 November)

Access World News Research Collection - the most comprehensive collection of full-text newspapers globally, coverage at every level - international, national, regional, state and local.

Trial (10 October - 9 January)

Charting Economy Country Reports covers more than 100 economies across the globe.

Trial (4 October - 3 January)

DeGruyter Journals is a diverse and high-quality journal program, offering more than 900 journals covering all areas of scientific research.

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