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New electronic resource trial

Just in time for summer summer vacation, the library is happy to announce trial access to Stalin Digital Archive.

The result of years of collaboration between the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History (RGASPI) and Yale University Press, the Stalin Digital Archive (SDA) provides access to primary source materials from Stalin's personal papers and insightful monographs on communism. In addition, it seeks to advance research and teaching through new ways for scholars and students to interact with this content and collaborate. The SDA collections include:

RGASPI documents from Stalin's personal papers will eventually number over 400,000 pages. Highlights include: foreign policy with Germany before World War II; communications during the Great Purges; relations with Western intellectuals and leaders; and private notations on many Soviet leaders.

The Annals of Communism series contains 25 volumes of scholarly commentary, annotation, and interpretation of documents from state and party archives selected by teams of Western and Russian editors. These volumes span the history of Soviet and international communism.

The archive can be accessed at http://www.stalindigitalarchive.com. The trial lasts until June 21, 2013. This is a database the library could possibly purchase access to. If you try it and decide it would be a valuable resource for you, please inform the library
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