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Библиотечные Тренинги


Уважаемые студенты,

Приглашаем вас на Библиотечные тренинги в ноябре:


3 ноября (четверг) 14.00-15.00
Explore Library Resources

Learn how to search resources both print and electronic through NU Library Catalog and E-Resources search tool (Ebsco Discovery Services). Search specifics in NU Library catalog. Search specifics in EDS.
Practice: Searching in Ebsco database-Academic Search Complete (choosing keywords, filtering of results, saving articles).


4 ноября (пятница) 14.00-15.00
Introduction to searching Google+Google Scholar. Open Access resources

Do you know Google? You will found out how google algorithm works: truncation, wildcards, personal search engine.
Google scholar library and tags.
What is open access and how access is provided by Google Scholar?
Practice: Searching, creating personal search engine and library. Identifying document source.


7 ноября (Понедельник) 14.00-15.00
Evaluation of online resources

CRAAP method will be introduced:
What types of internet resources are right for assignments? Indicators?
How to identify low-quality web resources?
Practice: Distinguishing quality internet sources.


8 ноября (вторник) 14.00-15.00
EndNote citation-reference tool

Learn more about a tool that will save you a lot of work in creating citations! How EndNote can help you organize your references and create citations/works cited lists for your papers.
Practice: Collecting and organizing references, using CiteWhileYouWrite.


9 ноября (среда) 14.00-15.00
Mendeley citation-reference tool

Learn more about a tool that will save you a lot of work in creating citations! How Mendeley can help you organize your references and create citations/works cited lists for your papers.
Practice: Collecting and organizing references.


10 ноября (черверг) 14.00-15.00
Zotero citation-reference tool

Learn more about a tool that will save you a lot of work in creating citations! How Zotero can help you organize your references and create citations/works cited lists for your papers.
Practice: Collecting and organizing references.


11 ноября (пятница) 14.00-15.00
Plagiarism and citing

We all understand the importance of being honest in our work and making sure those who have helped us get due credit. This session will help you learn more about the resources available to properly cite your sources and lead your readers to other good information.
Practice: Techniques for citing resources from EBSCO, GoogleScholar, print materials and other.


14 ноября (понедельник) 14.00-15.00
Productivity Tools and Keeping up-to-date with information

Time and project management tools and techniques are not just for project managers - they are available for anyone to use! Alerts, RSS, Google news, professional associations, social media - choose all or the one that will work best for your.


Тренинги проводятся на английском языке в Малой компьтерной лаборатории на 2 этаже библиотеки.


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