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AuthorRangayyan, Rangaraj M.
TitleBiomedical signal analysis
Type of publicatione-Books
Publication year of book
SeriesIEEE Press Series on Biomedical Engineering
BibliographyБиблиогр.: с.
Subjectsignal processing data processing
diagnostic imaging
GenreScientific literature/Ғылыми әдебиет/Научная литература
SummaryThe book will help assist a reader in the development of techniques for analysis of biomedical signals and computer aided diagnoses with a pedagogical examination of basic and advanced topics accompanied by over 350 figures and illustrations. Wide range of filtering techniques presented to address various applications 800 mathematical expressions and equations Practical questions, problems and laboratory exercises Includes fractals and chaos theory with biomedical applications
ContentsIntroduction to Biomedical Signals--
Concurrent, Coupled, and Correlated Processes--
Filtering for Removal of Artifacts
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