Support the Library

NU Library welcomes donations of books and funds for specific aspects of our work. The contribution of donors is invaluable for acquiring otherwise unaffordable resources for the benefit of our students, faculty, and staff. Any needed donated resources will be added to the collection and made available to the NU community.

Our website will list all donors and large donations will be promoted in the University and where appropriate in the local news.

You may bring the donation to the circulation desk on the second floor during open hours.
For questions and large donation please contact
Suggest Book & Resources
You may suggest a book, journal, or license for an electronic resource for purchase by the Library. Please check Primo before submitting your request to ensure that the Library does not already own the item. Your request will be forwarded to the appropriate library subject specialist within one working day. However, the time required to acquire a title or initiate a journal subscription can vary from a few days to several months.

For general information about collections in a particular discipline, please contact the relevant subject specialist.